Development of Proto-Industrial System

Concept Explanation

Development of Proto-Industrial System

Development of Proto-Industrial System: In countryside, many cottagers and poor peasants who were dependent on common lands for their survival had to look now in search of alternative source of income. This was a time when open fields were disappearing and commons were being enclosed. Since the income from their tiny plots of lands was not sufficient for their livelihood So, they eagerly agreed to the proposals given by the merchants and made products them. This made it possible for the peasants and cottagers to remain in the countryside and continue to cultivate their small plots.

Proto-Industrialisation as a System of commercial Exchange: The income from proto-industrial production supplemented income from cultivation and in this way, they could use their full family labour resources. This system had a close relationship between town and countryside as the merchants were based in towns and the artisans who worked for them, were based in the countryside. A merchant clothier first purchased wool from wool stapler and supplied it to the spinners. The thread that was spun was taken in different stages of production to weavers, fullers and then to dyers. The finishing was done in London before it was sold in the international market. Gradually, London came to be known as a finishing centre. This proto-industrial system was thus part of a network of commercial exchanges. The unusual feature of proto-industrial system was that the goods were produced by the artisans within their family farms, not in factories. At each stage of production, 20 to 25 workers were involved which meant that each clothier was controlling hundreds of artisans or workers.

Some important terms :-

  • Clothier :- A person or company who makes , sells or deals in clothes or cloth . 
  • Stapler :-  A person who 'staples' or sorts wool according to its fibre . 
  • Fuller :- A person who 'fulls' eg. gathers cloth by pleating . 
  • Dyers :- A person who dyes fabrics . 

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